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You've probably seen that scene in the movie when the billionaire opens the bathroom door to reveal a sprawling private room with endless mirrors and lighting, complete with a fountain in the center.

Add a Beautiful Sculpture to Your Bathroom With a Freestanding Luxury Bathtub

March 24, 2015

You've probably seen that scene in the movie when the billionaire opens the bathroom door to reveal a sprawling private room with endless mirrors and lighting, complete with a fountain in the center. Since not all of us have the square footage to make a museum out of our washroom, freestanding tubs are the more practical option for adding an air of artistic luxury to a bathroom. They're functional as well as elegant, and you don't have to spend a small fortune to obtain one.

Freestanding tubs are simply bathtubs that aren't attached to the wall. You might recognize classic French clawfoot tubs or charming freestanding country home tubs. They're also referred to as solid surface bathtubs since they need only a solid surface to stand on. Since they stand on their own, they have the potential to be very visually attractive. They come in a variety of colors, styles, and finishes, including wood, copper, brass, and even natural stone.

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Stone Free Standing Tubs

Nothing makes you feel more in touch with nature than stepping barefoot on smooth, natural stone. Stone bathtubs are fashioned from large pieces of stone so that they are smoothed and contoured to comfortably accommodate people. Stone bathtubs are great for long, meditative soaks on days when you just need to let it all go. They also blend in well with other nature-inspired bathroom elements like hardwood flooring.

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Freestanding Acrylic Bathtubs

Freestanding acrylic bathtubs have become popular since this material is lighter in weight, and therefore less expensive and easier to install than its metal predecessors. However, freestanding acrylic bathtubs tend to chip and scratch more over time, so it's best not to use abrasive materials when cleaning them.

Aquatica PureScape 174B Freestanding Acrylic Bathtub DSC2739 WEB

Freestanding Bathtub Costs

In the past, this type of bathtub would cost a pretty penny to purchase and install, making it an item only available to the upper crust of society. However, with the advent of new materials like fiberglass and acrylic, freestanding bathtubs are now more affordable than ever. You can purchase a freestanding tub for $2,500 and up, depending on the materials, finish, and features of the tub.

Whether you choose to purchase a stone, acrylic, copper, or brass solid surface bathtub, know that you'll be adding a divine sculptural element to your bathroom. It's not only beautiful, but it's also luxurious and functional. You certainly can't say that about the fountain in the middle of the billionaire's bathroom!

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